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Companies and types of companies (Utilities)
jotardon  |  Spain, 3 Apr 2023  
232    2   |  Tutorial

 Welcome to this article about companies and types of companies. In this article I will show you the types of companies that exist, their use and everything you need to start entrepreneurship.

Companies are the most important and it is necessary to understand them and have the ability to use them correctly, a part of the importance of companies are obviously the jobs they offer, therefore, if there are no companies there are no jobs either, without jobs citizens leave and without citizens no country is sustained.

'I have to clarify that having so many companies of different types and with different functions I will separate the types of companies in different articles in order to have better organization and that the article is not so long'

So as you can see in the title of this first article, I will try to explain the companies, the types of companies and I will start with the Utilities type companies.


To see your companies, just go to the left menuMy companies

Once inside, you will see the companies you have, you can manage them and use them to your liking.

If you want to open a new company just use the button: Open a new company.

The first thing you should know is that there are free companies for all citizens that are the Utility Companies: Solar Panel Farm and Water Well Drilling.

You should know that companies can only be created in the country where you are as a citizen and that each company will cost you € 30 to open it, except newspapers that will cost € 5.

To start producing you will first need to invest gold in your companies with which you will pay for raw materials.

You can also change the gold to the currency of the country in which you have opened the company and it will serve to pay the salaries of citizens, citizens will be those who will work in your company.

It is important to know that you can demolish the utilities but in order to demolish them you will need a full license (with the 500 units) and a citizenship different from that of the country in which you have the public service company, once you demolition your company you will receive the funds you had in it.


  • Each license costs € 1 except for 1 star clothing (*) which costs € 0.5 and a license form.  
  • Companies can reset raw materials and production costs for a fee of 10 gold at each restart, they are also reset when buying a company at auction.
  • In Workplaces you can choose the region where you want your workplace to be active (to open new branches you go to the Branches menu, the cost is € 1 each)
  • To create a new workplace in a company or a branch you need a government form.
  • You can put the wage you want to pay by the hour, in every country there is a minimum wage set by the government.


  • percentage is paid to the government for each salary a company pays (Wage Tax)

  • Under Other, you can set the company name and discounts for organizations.      
  • In Others you can also update the company to level 8 (+ 80% productivity) and so the company will have more production. These parameters are explained below in Administration


To manage a business, you need to go to Administration

In all companies you will have these 3 parameters where in each of them you can manage different sections

Inventory, Workplaces,Branches


Inventory: These are the materials you can work with to produce. The average cost per unit is based on your last 10 purchases.


Workplaces: These are the workplaces that this company has in Venezuela, you can buy additional workplaces to produce faster. Workers can only accept the highest paying job for the skill Manual work in the selected region.
The minimum wage is different in each country.

Branches: These are the regions where you might have branches. Workplaces can only be used in regions where you already have a branch. You can see how many resources there are in each region and you can also check how close you are to reaching the extraction quotas set by your government for this type of enterprise on each type of resource.

Above these parameters you will find other functions of the company

Company Balance/Company Worth: You can see the gold and the amount of the local currency that the company has.

Company Worth: You can see the total value of the company.

Invest / Withdraw: to operate, a company needs money, here you can invest / withdraw gold from your company. The minimum amount is 1 gold.

Buy / Sell Gold: salaries are paid in local currency, here you can exchange gold for local currency.

Transactions: here you can see all the transactions of the company.

Then you will find another function

Alerts: These are the alerts related to your company, and theplayers who have worked in your company will come out with their productivity and with the salary paid.

In the following function you will manage the managers of your company

Company Managers: Company owners can hire additional managers for their company. They may have different permissions to help run the business. To add an additional manager, you'll need a government form in your inventory. Salaries are paid daily at 0:01 server time in local currency.

'To add a manager you must write the name of the player you want to help you run the company and you will be responsible for anything this manager does while running your company.'


There is a tab in companies just for managers, this allows managers to cancel their role despite the permissions they have.

Company managers can decide whether they want company alerts (sales or production) or not, the owner too (set in the managers tab).

Business managers cannot invest in the companies they manage.


Companies have a good chance of creating waste when they work, this waste will be deposited in the region where the workplace operated.

An initial fee is paid based on the time the auction will be held (1 day = 10 gold, 3 days = 20 gold, 7 days = 30 gold).

In the last one you can use the following settings

Company Boost: You can use a boost if you want to increase the amount of production of the company.

MPL grants 3 boost opportunities per type of company, these increases can be obtained if your company wins a blind auction and then lasts 7 days.

The blind auction is paid in gold from the company's funds.

The boost will increase your company's amount of production by 20% without additional wages or material costs.

This will give you a 20% better margin to sell products.

Discounts to OrganizationsIf you want to sell your final products to partner organizations at a lower price, you can specify that here.

If you set up an organization with a 50% discount, members of that organization will buy everything from this company at half price. He works in local and global markets.

Name of organization:
Discount %

Company UpgradesYou can improve the productivity of your company to make it more competitive and successful, this update lasts forever.

Each update costs more than the previous one and improves productivity more than the previous one. With this update, your business builds everything faster.

Productivity Update I +10% productivity 5 Euros
Productivity Update II +20% productivity 10 Euros
Productivity Update III +30% productivity 15 Euros
Productivity update IV +40% productivity 20 Euros
Productivity update V +50% productivity 30 Euros
Productivity update VI +60% productivity 40 Euros
Productivity update VII +70% productivity 50 Euros
Productivity update VIII +80% productivity 60 Euros


Company InformationHere you can choose the name of the company.


Auction the CompanyHere you can sell your company to the highest bidder, the price is in gold.

When you list a business for auction, you'll pay a listing fee upfront based on the number of days the auction will run.

When the auction ends, a tax of 15% of the final bid is paid to the Partners Fund.

The minimum initial offer is 40% of the value the company is worth.

Once these sections have been clarified, we continue with the types of companies.

After entering My Companies > Sart to New Companieyou can see the different types of companies you can open:


Solar Panel Farm

Water Well Drilling


Cow Farm                     

Milk Factory



Fabrics Factory             

Plastics Factory

Parts Factory                  


Paper Mill                       

Military Factory

Glass Factory                 

Recycling Center

Fertilizing Factory           

Pig Farm




Milk and Coffe Shop

House Construction

Attack Weapons Factory

Defence Weapons Factory

Clothes Factory

Vehicles Factory  



Cheese Shop         

Filling Station




Knowledge Academy





Iron Mine

Wood Cutter

Stone Quarry

Coffe Plantation

Coal Mine


Oil Extraction

Cotton Plantation

Cereal Farm

Uranium Mine

Sand Pit

Vegetable Farm

Herbs Plantation


In this article we will try to start with the companies of Utilities types.

Whoyou can find the Public Service Companies, bothare free and can only own 1 public service company.

Public service companies are a great way to learn how to manage companies in a very simple way, letting them automatically produce either electricity or water and without the need to invest.

You will have to sell the product in the order market or directly to the storage of any country.

  • In the order market, companies can set buy and sell orders for products. If a company finds an order at a price it considers good, it can accept it and make the transaction. The order market is global, all prices are in gold. If the companies are from different countries, the seller pays a sales tax of 15% tothe Global Market Tax.
  • You can also sell in the storage of any countrycountries need materials for construction and other projects. Companies can sell their produced goods to any country, if they sell to a foreign country, a tax of up to 15% is paid to the Global Market Fund.



These companies are: solar panel farm and water well drilling.

Solar Panel Farm produces electricity that it can sell to businesses that need electricity to operate.
Water Well Drilling produces water that you can sell to businesses that need water to operate.

This would be the first article about the companies and the types of companies that you can manage, this article only explains the use of companies in general and only goes into detail about ripo Utilities companies, which are public service companies.

The following articles will go into detail about the companies of type services, consumer and gathering and also carefully explain their corresponding uses

Tell me if there is anything I have left to comment on in this article and thanks for the support

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16/9/23 1:54 (1 year ago)
consulta, que empresas recomiendas para trabajadores y para guerreros...
30/5/23 18:53 (1 year ago)
Wao Congrats Jotardon ;)

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